Water Program
Private Water System Program
The purpose of the Private Water System Program is to protect the individual water supply as well as the water source. This is done by permitting, inspecting, and testing water systems for human consumption of residences and some small businesses. A private water system refers to a:
Well (dug or drilled)
Hauled Water Tank (Holding Tank(
New installation, conversion, replacement, and alterations of a private water system are permitted through the local health district and must meet Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Private Water System Rules Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 3701-28. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) regulates agricultural or non-potable water systems. The permit application is available through the Forms and Permits page.
Inspections and Sampling
New private water systems are evaluated and tested for nitrates, total coliform bacteria, and E.coli bacteria. Existing private systems may also be evaluated and/or tested for these or other metal/chemical/mineral contaminants. View a complete list of contaminants on the sample request form found on the Forms and Permits page.
Any person or business that constructs, develops, installs a component, alters, repairs, seals/abandons, or inspects a private water system must be registered through ODH. This includes homeowners and landlords. Call the ODH Private Water System Program at 614-466-4556 or visit ODH’s website ODH | Private Water Program for forms, a list of water contractors, and additional resources for both homeowners and contractors.
Private Water System Contractors
Private Water System Program
The purpose of the Private Water System Program is to protect the individual water supply as well as the water source. This is done by permitting, inspecting, and testing water systems for human consumption of residences and some small businesses. A private water system refers to a:
Well (dug or drilled)
Hauled Water Tank (Holding Tank)
The 2023 Private Water Systems Registered Water Hauler List for the state of Ohio can be found here. For information about water haulers in Huron County, click here.
New installation, conversion, replacement, and alterations of a private water system are permitted through the local health district and must meet Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Private Water System Rules Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 3701-28. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) regulates agricultural or non-potable water systems. The permit application is available through the Forms and Permits page.
Inspections and Sampling
New private water systems are evaluated and tested for nitrates, total coliform bacteria, and E.coli bacteria. Existing private systems may also be evaluated and/or tested for these or other metal/chemical/mineral contaminants. View a complete list of contaminants on the sample request form found on the Forms and Permits page.
Private Water System Contractors
Any person or business that constructs, develops, installs a component, alters, repairs, seals/abandons, or inspects a private water system must be registered through ODH. This includes homeowners and landlords. Call the ODH Private Water System Program at 614-644-7558 or visit ODH’s website ODH | Private Water Program for forms, a list of water contractors, and additional resources for both homeowners and contractors.
Water Haulers
Contractors who haul potable water from a public water supply to a private water system including on-site hauled water tanks, cisterns, and supplemental water reservoirs for wells, ponds and springs must be registered and truck inspected by their “home” health district per OAC 3701-28-16. Once the company is registered and their truck is inspected and approved by their 'home' health district, the truck receives its State water hauler registration sticker which allows them to haul water anywhere within the State of Ohio.