Sewage Treatment Systems (STS)
Sewage Treatment Systems in Ohio
According to the Ohio EPA, nearly 1/5 of American households depend on septic systems, or sewage treatment systems, to treat their wastewater and failure to maintain a sewage treatment system can lead to backups, malfunctions and early failures that can result in costly repairs.
The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) regulates sewage treatment systems across the state through statutory authority established under Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Chapter 3718 and Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3701-29, which were updated and became effective on January 1st, 2015. Permitting, inspections and enforcement are conducted by the local health districts and local health districts may adopt more stringent rules and standards.
Sewage treatment systems include one, two, and three-family dwellings and small flow on-site sewage treatment systems (facilities that treat up to 1,000 gallons per day). Proper system siting and design, soils evaluation, system owner education, and operation inspections and maintenance of systems are essential to help prevent future contamination and public health nuisances.
Larger commercial sewage systems fall under the jurisdiction of the Ohio EPA.
Sewage Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Program
The O&M program requires every STS in the county to have an O&M permit. Permits will ensure systems are monitored and maintained on a regular basis so that failing systems may be identified and addressed. A STS that is not properly functioning can release bacteria, viruses, and chemicals into the groundwater and local waterways. This poses a risk of spreading various diseases in the community, as well as, polluting drinking water and the environment.
Please follow this link for information about HCPH's O&M Program.
New Installation, Replacement, Alteration of Sewage Treatment Systems
Permits for a new installation, replacement, or alteration of a private sewage treatment system are issued after a site review is conducted at the location. A site review is completed once the sewage treatment system Design Review Application, Tax Map Office address assignment letter, appropriate design review fee, and a soil report and/or design are received. Records of existing permits are kept on file.
To help move the approval process along smoothly, we strongly encourage property owners and buyers to:
Take precautions to protect area(s) designated for sewage treatment
Identify the property with the address and mark the property lines.
Ensure flags/stakes for all proposed areas are visible.
Lot Splits
Prior to splitting any parcel of land, no matter the size, contact either the Huron County Soil & Water Conservation District at 419-668-4113 Ext. 3 or the Huron County Tax Map Office at 419-668-2021. A technical review committee reviews proposed lot splits to ensure regional planning requirements are met in order to record the land parcel(s) and provide a property address.
Sewage Treatment System Contractors
Any person or business that constructs, replaces, alters, repairs, seals/abandons, services, or evaluates a private sewage treatment system or transports, collects, or disposes of domestic septage must register through each health district they work. Each type of sewage treatment system contractor must meet specific registration requirement including continuing education specified by ODH. Call or email the Environmental Division for additional information.
Call or email the Environmental Health Division for additional information at:
419-668-1652 Ext. 239 or environmental@huroncohealth.com.
Links & Resources
Flood Precautions for Septic Systems
USDA Grant Assistance Info For Homeowners
ODH Information for Homeowners