Public Health Complaints
Inspected Establishment Complaint
There are numerous facilities which we license and inspect including:
Food Facilities
Manufactured Home Parks
Tattoo/Body Piercing Parlors
Swimming Pools
Installer/Hauler/Service Provider
*This form should not be used for public health nuisance complaints.
Public Health Nuisance Complaint
A Public Health Nuisance means "any condition which is injurious or potentially injurious to the health and safety of the public, or which pollutes the air, land, or water". A public nuisance interfaces with the public as a class, not merely one person or a group of citizens.
Nuisance conditions which HCPH has jurisdiction over are:
solid waste and trash
animal feces
sewage systems malfunctions
water system issues
mosquito breeding
mold (rental properties only)
Our regulations do not give us authority over indoor housing conditions for homeowners. We are only able to enforce indoor regulations (mold, insects, and rodents) in rental units.
We are unable to investigate complaints regarding: Bed bugs, animal hoarding, mold (for homeowners) or condemning a home/abandoned building
Submitting a Complaint
After downloading and completing either of the complaint forms found above, forms may be submitted to HCPH by:
Emailing bea@huroncohealth.com
Faxing 567-244-3201
Mailing the form or dropping it off in person to 28 Executive Drive, Norwalk, OH 44857
For questions regarding complaints please call 419-668-1652 Ext. 239.
Other Complaints
Food Poisoning: If you wish to report a case of food poisoning please contact HCPH's Epidemiologist at 419-668-1652 Ext. 269.
Smoking in a Public Place: For complaints to the smoke-free workplace law call 1-866-559-OHIO.
Condemning a Home involves evaluating the structural integrity of the building and is outside the scope of the health department. For more information about condemnation, contact your local fire department.
Zoning Regulations differ for each township. Contact your local zoning official to find out more about their regulations.
Animal Hoarding for concerns regarding animal hoarding or the mistreatment of animals, contact the Huron County Humane Society.
Unhealthy Housing Conditions involving children and/or the elderly are referred to the Children Services or Adult Services Agency. You may contact Job and Family Services to file a complaint.
Packaged Foods and Meat Products that are sold in a retail food establishment and are regulated by either the FDA or USDA.
To determine which agency to contact for questions or concerns, please see our guide.