Career Opportunities
The work of public health is as old as civilization—memorizing which berries made people sick, then teaching others, organizing a tribe into shifts to guard against predators wandering into camp, mentoring new mothers on how to care for their babies, and isolating people with deadly diseases so they couldn't transmit them to others.
The modern field of public health took shape in the U.S. in the 20th century when it was organized to record births and deaths, secure safe drinking water and sewage disposal, protect the food supply, immunize generations of children, track down the sources of outbreaks of community illness, and educate the public on how they can live healthier to prevent disease. Of the roughly 30 years of life gained in the 20th century, roughly 25 of those years were the results of public health initiatives.
Interested in Public Health? HCPH accepts resumes at any time. Please send a copy of your resume to:
Current Open Positions
Huron County Public Health Careers
The staff of Huron County Public Health carries out the work of the Board of Health to:
•Prevent illness, disease, and premature deaths;
•Promote lifestyles and policies that improve the health of Huron County residents; and
•Protect the health of Huron County residents from public health threats.
Public Health Nurses
Public Health Nurses are licensed RNs, preferably with a BSN. Their job is to improve the health of the community by vaccinating children and adults, tracking, reporting, and controlling communicable diseases, screening school-age children for vision, hearing, scoliosis, and head lice. Working with doctors to provide medical care to the uninsured and underinsured, helping the parents of special needs children to access specialists, services, and educate the public through presentations, programs, and health fairs.
Registered Environmental Health Specialists
Registered Environmental Health Specialists (REHS) or REHSIT (REHS In Training), are licensed. They hold a Bachelor's degree and must have at least 30 semester hours of science. Their job is to safeguard the community's health by reducing environmental threats to human health by educating the public on pest and home hazards, regulation food and water supplies, regulating human waste disposal, regulation pools, beaches, tattooing, inspecting manufactured home parks, campgrounds, and advocating for policies and practices that reduce environmental hazards.
Health Educators
Health Educators hold a Bachelor's degree in a field related to public health. Their job is to identify barriers to and supports for health in the community, develop effective interventions to improve community health, advocate for policies that improve health, and provide public health information to the public through presentations, curricula, publications, correspondence, website, health alerts, news articles, and advertising.
Clerical Specialists
Clerical Specialists hold a minimum of a high school diploma with experience in clerical work preferred. They specialize in medical clerking and billing, environmental clerking, vital statistics clerking, bookkeeping, inventory management, and volunteer management.
An Epidemiologist holds a Master's degree, prepared in biostatistics and epidemiology. His or her job is to track patterns of illness and disease, identify the source of illness and disease outbreaks, and gather, analyze, and share demographic and health data that descrives the health of the community.
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
An Emergency Preparedness Coordinator holds a Bachelors degree. His or her job is to plan for the prevention of and response to public health emergencies; prepare HCPH staff, employers and the public for public health emergencies; plan and lead trainings that simulate public health emergency scenarios to allow for staff practice in emergency response; and coordinate with emergency response partners.
Fiscal Specialist
A Fiscal Specialist has bookkeeping and accounting experience with a minimum of a high school diploma (a Bachelor's degree is preferred). His or her job is to oversee and complete the budgeting, fiscal reporting, fiscal analysis and fiscal management.
Health Commissioner
A Health Commissioner is an MPH, DPH, DrPH, MD, DO, DVM or DDS. His or her job is to lead the agency; oversee the budget and direct resources; hire and manage the Health Districts staff for the Board of Health; and oversee licensing and regulation of environmental public health programs as directed by the Ohio Revised and Administrative Codes.