Vivitrol Program & Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) during Pregnancy
The Health Center of Huron County provides Vivitrol, a medication-assisted treatment for opiate addiction and alcohol dependence recovery.
Vivitrol is an injectable, long-acting opioid antagonist that is administered every 28 days, typically for 12 to 18 months. Clients must be free from active opiate use, and must not have consumed alcohol at least 24 hours before they can receive the initial dose of Vivitrol, as well as throughout the course of treatment.
Vivitrol Services
Clients interested in Vivitrol services must be actively enrolled in counseling. If you are interested in our program and are not currently in counseling, our Public Health Nurses (PHNs) can help you find a local counselor.
During the initial visit, clients will see our physician. This visit often includes health screenings and certain blood work.
Clients are highly encouraged to use contraception during their treatment and may be referred to their primary medical provider or the Health Center of Huron County's Reproductive Health and Wellness Clinic for related services.
The Health Center of Huron County will share information, with client consent, with AoD Counselors, Probation Officers (if applicable), primary care providers, and insurance/Medicaid providers to assist the client with their sobriety.
Medicaid and most private insurances are accepted for this service. For those without insurance, our PHNs can help assist clients with applying for coverage.
PHNs will also act as case managers to work with clients in accessing other local services to advance their overall health and continue their sobriety.
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) During Pregnancy
Are you pregnant?
Do you suffer from opioid addiction?
The Health Center of Huron County can help!
Opioid use disorder during pregnancy is associated with substantial maternal, fetal, and neonatal risks. Opioid use and withdrawal can cause fetal complications including: fetal growth restrictions, placental abruption, and fetal/maternal death.
The medication Buprenorphine is prescribed to prevent withdrawal symptoms and reduce or eliminate cravings. Patients must be actively involved in counseling services while receiving MAT.
Health Center of Huron County patients will receive education on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) and hospital recommendations for the neonate after delivery. NAS is a group of conditions caused when a baby withdrawals from certain drugs he/she is exposed to in the womb before birth.
The Health Center of Huron County strives to provide expectant mothers the care they need throughout their pregnancy, and after delivery.